““Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve of here, and reward when He cometh in the clouds of heaven.”
At Marlow First, we carry on our vibrant Wesleyan heritage of excellence in music through a dynamic music ministry that includes congregational song, a variety of choirs for all ages and skill levels, a handbell choir, and children’s musical camps.
Adult Chancel Choir
Rehearsal | Wednesday 7pm
Choir Loft | Sanctuary, Main Building
The Adult Chancel Choir enjoys a robust history of leading our church family in praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Directed by DB Green, the choir sings weekly during our Traditional Worship and offers a meaningful, heartfelt Christmas Cantata every year in December. You are never too old, too young or too inexperienced in reading music to come and join us in praising the Lord Most High! Rehearsals are held weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm.
For more information about our Adult Chancel Choir or to join, please contact the Church Office at (580) 658-2765.
Adult Bell Choir
The Adult Bell Choir is made up of adults and youth who enjoy praising the Lord through the sound of bells. Directed by Megan Raines, members boast a variety of skill level from novice to years of reading music. Performances coincide with the special celebrations of the church (Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, etc.) The bell choir does not meet on a regular basis for rehearsal, just as needed to gear up for a performance.
If you are interested in learning more or joining the Adult Bell Choir, please contact the Church Office at (580) 658-2765.
Youth Choir
Rehearsal | Wednesday 6:30pm
Choir Loft | Sanctuary, Main Building
The Youth Choir practices on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm during the school year. Led by Ron Hinkie, Scott Vaughn and Janet Loveless, the youth enjoy a time of praise, fellowship and vocal music instruction. They perform periodically throughout the year.
To join the Youth Choir or to request more information, please contact the Church Office at (580) 658-2765.
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir practices on Wednesday nights during the Jesus Power Hour leading up to special performances at least 6 times per year.
Camp CHRISTmas! | Biblical Musical Camp
These “camps” are a two week theater experience weekdays after school in December and May. Each day of the camp the children are involved in hands-on activities (from painting the set to making the beards for their costumes), music and acting instruction, a meaningful devotion and everyone’s favorite… snacks!
For more information about our Children’s Choir or Musical Camps, please contact the Church Office at (580) 658-2765.