Special Announcements

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
We will not have in-person Worship at Marlow First United Methodist Church next Sunday, March 29 due to the unprecedented circumstance in which we find ourself in relation to the Covid-19 virus.
We must protect the most vulnerable among us. As you know, the Center for Disease Control has issued guidelines stating that gathering in groups raises the potential for spreading the virus. Therefore, with direction from our Bishop Jimmy Nunn and with input from the Marlow FUMC Administrative Board, I have chosen to cancel Church activities. We are doing so out of concern for each other.
Obviously, we will miss each others’ presence. At the same time, we can do some unique and creative things to allow us to stay in contact with our faith.
Butch Graham, Administrative Board Chair asks that wherever you are at 10:45am on Sunday to stop and say a prayer. Some of the ladies of the Church will pick up and deliver to your porch items for the most vulnerable folks like Senior Saints and those with compromised immune systems. To request this service, simply call the Church office or my cell phone (405-558-1289). We will pass it on to those doing this ministry.
At 9am Sunday morning, I will preach a message that will be available online using FaceBook Live on our Church’s FaceBook page. You will be able to find a link to this message on the home page of our website.
We will continue being the Body of Christ known as United Methodists in Marlow, Oklahoma. Maybe now as much as ever, your financial support is important. Our ministries will be needed now and in the future. You may mail your tithes and offerings to the Church at PO Box 247, Marlow, OK 73055.
I encourage you to be creative in your unique role as a Follower of Christ. That may mean calling folks to check on them, starting an online Bible Study Group, or sending notes of love to persons restricted to nursing home living. I do not wish to limit your creativity or hamper the leading of the Holy Spirit for use of your gifts and graces. Pray that God uses us in mighty ways during this time of adjustment.
Please pass this message on to those that may not have access to email or our website. As always, I am humbled to be in service to God with each of you.
Grace & Peace,
Doyle Sharp, Pastor