Jesus loves the children, and at Marlow FUMC we love them too! As a church family, we believe the children are our most important asset. We gear our children’s bible studies, Sunday School and recreation to be Christ-centered. We are intentional about reading, learning and being guided together by God’s Holy Word. A good foundation steeped in Bible literacy is the goal for our children’s ministry. Come as you are…Jesus loves the little children.
The Discipleship Tour VBS
July 25th – 27th , 2022
Monday – Wednesday, 9am-12:00pm
Snack sent home daily / Pizza Party on Wednesday!
Calling all PK – 6th grade friends! Sign up today to join us for a fun time on the 2022 Discipleship Tour: Spread God’s Love! You will learn how Jesus loves us, how He spread love everywhere He went, and you will get to do the same as we spread His love! Come help us share the Good News…our Savior is proclaimed everywhere in the Bible! We will travel together to see a movie, visit to the Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum, and Kiddie land with a Pizza Party! Disciple T Shirt Included
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To find out more information or to register by phone, please contact the church office at (580) 658-2765.
Sunday School
9:45 am Sanctuary Sunday School Room
Nursery [Located on main floor in the west foyer]: You are never too young to begin learning about Jesus and His love for you! Each Sunday a meaningful and age-appropriate lesson is shared by our church family’s Nursery Volunteer at 10:00 am. We use the Frolic Nursery curriculum that shares the Revised Common Lectionary teaching also heard in the sermon during worship. This allows parents to carry on the theme of that week’s message at home.
Pre-K | Kindergarten: How exciting to share the love of the Bible at such a young age! Through story cards and songs, we guide this young age group through the books of the Bible, the Biblical timeline, memory work, all while interacting with real Bible content. We use the Bible Study Guide curriculum for ages 3 to Kindergarten for our study time together.
1st to 3rd Grades: Your children won’t simply learn lessons based on the Bible, they will study the Bible itself! Through an interactive, illustrated Bible study, review games, Bible drills, time line and map drills, application activities and more, we learn together of the love of Jesus. We continue with the Bible Study Guide curriculum, and learn even more about God through His Word.
4th to 5th Grades: It is very important at this age that we as a church family share a solid ground of evidence for our faith. A faith that can be passed down and claimed as their own. Using the Bible Study Guide curriculum from Pre-K to 5th grade allows a child to read and study the Bible TWICE! At this level of learning, 4th and 5th graders are interacting with the Bible by reading, studying content, applying it to their lives…all through Bible drills, review games, a comprehensive time line and historical maps.
Wednesday: Jesus Power Hour ( Resuming September 2021)
5:30 pm, Dinner, Lower Level, Fellowship Hall
6 pm, Bible Study, 3rd Floor, Children’s Wing
Pre-K to 2nd Grades: There is nothing more powerful than gathering around the dinner table and sharing our lives together. That’s why Jesus is so often found at the dinner table in the Bible! Our Wednesday nights begin with a time of sharing stories of our week, laughing and getting to know one another. Through the 2020 summer we will be learning together through Bible stories from Genesis…and beyond! using Sparkhouse curriculum.
3rd to 5th Grades: We first come together around the dinner table to kick-off our time together. We laugh, play games, share stories and most importantly learn about Jesus together! We use a variety of curriculum to sharpen our knowledge and wisdom of our Savior, for instance Cold Case Christianity, the Parables of a King, the Imagination Station series, and others! Through the 2020 summer we will be learning together by using the Answers in Genesis curriculum, including science experiments and Bible verse memory!

Confirmation is a time for your youth to experience the teachings of Christ and learn more about Methodist theology. It is a time to explore more of your faith journey with others. The class is geared towards 5th and 6th graders and is taught by our pastor [older youth and adults are also welcome to attend]. The class begins each spring and is held following Sunday’s late worship service (11:45am – 1:00pm) and is six weeks long.
More information about joining the Confirmation Class will be posted in our News and Events Calendar.
Parent Resources
Articles and Information to help bolster your guidance of your child’s faith in Christ Jesus and help navigate their world.
Article: 10 Things Children Should Learn About Faith
Article: 5 Things Christian Parents Must Do to Raise Godly Children in a Secular World
Article: Your Kids Need to Think Critically About the Resurrection Because Secular Media Does Not
Article: Rethink Your Family Bible Time to Be More Successful
Article: How Not Letting Your Children Ask a Question Leads Them to Atheism
Article: A Parent’s Guide to the 5 Skeptics Who Want to Shame Your Kids for Being Christian
Article: Follow the Bouncing Ball: Sports from a Christian Family Perspective
Article: What Pornography Does to Our Children